[MANUSCRIT], Remarques sur le Gouvernement du royaume, [v.1700]
Remarques sur le Gouvernement du royaume durant les trois règnes de Henri IV, de Louis XIII, de Louis XIV.
s.l., s.n., [v. 1750].
4to (220x165 mm), (2)-96-(1) leaves. binding : Contemporary full calf, flat spine. Corners bumped.
Handwritten copy of a work published anonymously by Pierre Marteau in 1688. Barbier attributes the book to Gratien de Courtilz but adds: "Dubious".
The content is rather discourteous towards the monarchs, of whom inglorious episodes are recounted: the lack of merit of Louis XIII (Richelieu having governed for him), Louis XIV preferring the beds of his mistresses to the battlefields... This doubtless explains why handwritten copies were able to circulate under the cloak of the laughers. In fact, two other similar handwritten copies can be found in public libraries.
What remains is a very pretty manuscript, in a perfectly legible late 17th century handwriting.
references: Barbier [III, 16254].
provenance: Ex libris Bourcy.
Price : 500 €